Left In The Nest

As students start to head off to college, many parents will begin to feel the inevitable pangs of empty nest syndrome. But what about the siblings left behind? There might not be a clever name for what they experience as their older brother or sister leaves for school, but they are perhaps the most affected.

Despite their many battles throughout the years, the bond between brothers and sisters can be undeniably strong making the transition to college all the more difficult. And w
ith a new family dynamic, younger siblings will likely face a lot of confusion and wonder why their sibling left them or if things will ever be the same. Luckily, there are effective ways parents can help ease the pain for their youngsters.

Whether it's encouraging contact, focusing on the positives, or creating keepsakes, there's a lot parents can do to help their siblings stay connected in college. There's also a few things to avoid, but overall both parents and their kids will eventually adjust to their new nest as their oldest flies away.



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