Education’s Heavy Hitters

There are big things happening in the education world. But it can be a real chore keeping up with who's leading what initiative or which companies are innovating the latest groundbreaking technology and techniques. Luckily, the folks at have assembled a list of game-changing educators in 2015. What makes this list different is that it’s more than just a tally of awesome teachers. Of course, awesome teachers are certainly represented, but so is the rest of the education universe. Policy makers, researchers, bloggers, and thought leaders all get some love. (Protip: This is one of those articles you bookmark, because there's a lot to unpack here.)

As you scroll through the bios, it should come as no surprise that many of these edu-dynamos began in classrooms serving kids just like our TXGU’ers. Rockstars in the worlds of ed tech, higher ed, and K-12 are recognized, and you can’t help but get energized by them. Some are from right in our backyard, like Rafranz Davis in Arlington, Texas. Davis is an IT specialist leading the charge on effectively integrating technology in the classroom. So feel free to use this who’s-who list as a source of information and inspiration. You never know—your name may be on the next one...

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