They're on the Case

Here’s an old riddle for you: How do you eat an elephant? A few choice answers might come to you, or even more questions ("Aren’t they on the endangered species list?" was one of ours), but the answer—as with all brain teasers—is pretty simple: You eat it one bite at a time. That’s the same approach the Bryan ISD GEAR UP team is taking as they work to keep students moving forward.

In their Senior Caseload program, there’s a lot of information-gathering that goes on to help GEAR UP team members zero in on those students who look like they need a little more attention to help them finish strong on their way to college. These especially-at-risk seniors get tapped for the program (thanks to some strong encouragement from their friendly TXGU counselors), providing them one-on-one monthly support for their transition to college. Even the participating students' parents get some extra-focused attention, with a liaison dedicated to ensuring they have access to all the information they could possibly need to help their kids take that huge (and hugely crucial) next step to postsecondary education.

As Bryan High teacher Tim Bailey says, “There’s a need for somebody to step in and really be an advocate.” We’re definitely in agreement. Watch the story unfold in the latest "Texas GEAR UP in Action" video, and for even more inspiration, be sure to check out the Toolbox for an extra resource you won’t want to forget. 

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