Color Theory

We've said it before, we'll say it again—your most important job is to protect Texas' most valuable asset: the brilliant educator mind that helps shape our kids' futures. Stress can kill creativity, take a toll on your physical well-being, and—scariest of all—even drive you away from the schools you're helping to keep pumping out knowledge-hungry graduates! We just got chills...but we're not going to take up your time with horror stories when we could be telling you how to fight back. 

Spending some time with an adult coloring book—that is, a coloring book with more complex patterns and tessellations than the kind you'd hand a five-year-old—could help chase the mental clouds away (not to mention what it could do for your sense of aesthetics). Who says you can't go back again? You can watch and read the full NBC News story and get a little more insight into the coloring-craze. Enjoy the show and the potential burnout prevention...and maybe grab some markers before you get started. Trust us, you'll want them.

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