Major Decisions

It’s not really a rare occurrence for students to be confused about a thing or two. After all, if they already knew everything they needed to, you TXGU educators would just be TXGU cheerleaders. “2, 4, 6, 8, you’re too smart to educate?” Catchy, but not exactly realistic. And one of the many misconceptions we need to make sure students get set straight on is the myth of the major.

It’s not like there’s absolutely no correlation between a college-major path and a career—engineering majors are probably going to end up in engineering—but it’s important to let your kids know that that’s not be the case. In fact, it’s a good thing that it isn’t! That engineering student could go on to build the next innovation in public transport (fingers crossed for hoverbuses), but they could also go on to teach future generations how to make Rube Goldberg machines out of duct tape and house supplies and be the coolest science teacher ever. It’s a win either way, honestly.

It’s up to you to let your TXGU kids know that deciding on a major isn’t the same as chiseling the rest of their life out in stone, and we found just the resource to help articulate that fact. The road ahead has more than one lane—and the next generation can shift into whichever one they choose.
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